Tuesday, March 14, 2006


SURPRISE...I've got Good news...Who wants to know...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Blast from the past

Today I gave Foxy a "Free Ride"...."Free Ride for anybody"...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Measure up...

So latey my cold foods in my fridge have not been that cold. Angel and I have been pricing out refridgerators for a while now, and we both know what we wanted. So Sunday morning my wife wanted to go shopping for 1. I said okay, then opened the newspaper...looked at the ads...and said" i'm done. She didnt think that was funny. Angel said she saw a nice one at Marcs (for those of you who don't know, Marcs is a closeout center. Really cool stuff for very cheap.). So we went to Marcs, sure enough, just the kind we were looking for and 50 junior bacon cheesebugers cheaper than we've seen. So we paid, Called up the cousins picked it up an hour or so later. When we got home we decided to take the old one out first, we did without a problem. Now the problem. With all the excitement of getting a new fridge, We forgot to measure it. lets just say it is alot bigger than the old one, and took alot of "shifting" to get it in the front door...That was the widest door in the house. Its in the kitchen now, after the doors came off...not just the house but the fridge also, some molding and a hurt back.

1/4 of an inch is all the room I have between the Window sill and the counter (thats 1/8 on each side) Talk about cutting it close.

But, I dont have to make my own ice any more....

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Top 10

1. A pet teaches you responsibility.

2. You can get lots of exercise by walking your pet.

3. If you get lonely, you have a friend to play with.

4. You can save a pet's life by adopting one from a shelter.

5. The pet needs a friend.

6. A pet always greets you at the door even when you've had a bad day.

7. When your Mom makes a terrible dinner, your pet can clean it up.

8. A pet can guard your house.

9. A pet can make a boring car trip much more fun.

10. The pet will love you, no matter what!

Friday, March 03, 2006

How time changes things

The last post made me want to go back and look at alot of "old" pictures. I saw a picture of me when I first moved to Cleveland, I looked good...not quite a 6 pack, but close. Well, That 6 pack is still there, I just have a 3 inch layer of protective gue covering it.

I just found some good ones. This is The OWL ...

I'm a Pack Mule...

The joy of pet ownership

All my life I have had a pet or 2 or 3 at 1 point 5 plus fish. The joy of pet ownership is really hard to explain. When I was a young lad and my first dog Bea walked beside me without the leash, I thought I was the coolest kid on the block. When she died it was a very sad moment in my life. But I learned a lot from her, responsibility, trust, organization and many other things. Later in life (after I moved out) I at one point had 30 fish, 2 cats 2 birds a dog and an Iguana...all at the same time in a small apartment. There would be days I would just sit and watch my fish swim around, as each had his or her own personality. I even had a fish that would let me pet it. Fish are by far the easiest pet to maintain. My Iguana was the coolest, letting him out to run around with the cats, pure joy. I inherited 1 cat and the birds from a family that was moving....They forgot to comeback and get the animals. Watching the cats try to get inside the birdcage was some of the funniest moments of my life.

Then we had the family member that wanted to be a frog...I guess we all have a little animal in us...

Now, my current pet FOXY has brought so much joy to Angels life and mine. She's our babydoggie...She keeps me active, and I don't have to wipe her. She likes long walks on the beach, chasing after anyone that's not white (she did not learn that from me) and playing with the neighborhood kids. She truly is a great fit.